Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Jimmy No Nuts

I was just munching on some delicious almonds when I remembered a story from when I was a little kid that made me choke on said nuts. I've all but ceased any real productivity today, and it's been a while since I blogged...

This is an all too familiar case of an overprotective parent putting their child directly in harms way. Must have been third.. or fourth... how old are kids in fourth grade?... I have no gauge of kids' ages, just know that I still had a lunchbox, but had moved from G.I. Joes to Legos. I know- ha ha- I 'probably still play with legos'. Shut up, i'm telling a story. Even if that might be true.

What I do remember about that age was that you had to be a moving target. The boys were mean and the girls were meaner. You kept your head down and flew under the radar if you wanted to survive the day. It was a lot like walking through the Savannah (yeah- like i would know), you were probably ok moving through as long as nothing was particularly hungry, but the last thing you want to do is attract unnecessary attention and allow the predators to ponder their appetite.

One of the kids that had moved into an adjacent neighborhood over the summer was starting at our school one morning. The only thing I knew about him was that he had eaten peanuts at Scott Peery's pool and had an allergic reaction. We thought it was funny, but his mom freaked out. So much that as she was sending her defenseless, hypoallergenic boy off to the first day of a new school, she decided to take a precaution.

This kid came bouncing off the big yellow bus with this precaution written across his shirt in black electrical tape: "WARNING: NO NUTS"
