Thursday, July 29, 2010

You, Me and a T-800

A coworker of mine just skyped me a Reddit link that tickled me pink. Well, I was already pink, but it made me laugh. Cliffnotes: A guy posted something about getting super-baked and writing in a notebook, like a stoner journal. Dumb idea if you ask me because I think every thought I have when i'm baked is a stroke of pure jeenyus, but I digress. This is one of the comments:

ThePowerOfEarth writes:

I definitely do this. I have a note in my blackberry that I regularly add to when i have ideas for commercials or sitcoms or just funny stoner things. Thats where I wrote down my idea for a Terminator sitcom called You, Me and a T-800. It would be a show that was the same story (basically) of the original Terminator except as a sitcom where Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor and a T-800 (obviously pretending to be a person) share a studio apartment. And instead of the terminator trying to kill Sarah Connor to prevent John Connor from being born, he just tries to cockblock Kyle Reese constantly so John can't be born. And he goes about it in really quirky hilarious ways

I don't know a single person that wouldn't watch this show. Except my wife. And most of her friends. Ok, I don't know a single guy that wouldn't watch this.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Kook Attacked by Great White Shark

In 2007, a $120,000 sculpture called "Magic Carpet Ride" was commissioned by the Cardiff Botanical Society and placed on the coastal break of Cardiff By the Sea in San Diego. It was immediately rejected and mocked by the locals because of the improbable and effeminate position the surfer was in and fell under incessant criticism. The bronze statue was photographed on several occasions wearing tutus, bikinis and tennis outfits. It is aptly and unaffectionately known as the "Cardiff Kook".

Last week, several people noticed a paper mache dorsal fin across the street from where the statue is located. Every day, the fin got closer to the statue and locals paid no mind. On Saturday night, the locals got their wish, the Kook was attacked by what appears to be a Great White shark. The authorities have stated that the statue is unharmed, but all the photographs I have seen show the shark swallowing the surfer whole. While the validity of the statue remains unresolved, I think we can all agree that not even kooks deserve such a tragic end.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Font Police

HA! Saw this on Gizmodo and had me a larf. Couldn't agree more.
