Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Five Stages of Freelance Design

1. Client contacts designer, rains praise on his/ her work and explains that the designer's style is exactly what they're looking for. Designer and client meet and client explains the project. Designer goes home and begins generating concepts.

2. Client emails designer 20 minutes later and asks how it's going. Designer politely explains that this step of the process takes a little time and assures client they will get samples in a couple of days.

3. Client and designer meet again and client has a stack of his / her competitors products explaining they want the project to look "just like that.". The samples the designer brought get ignored. Designer goes home and tries to integrate his / her original ideas with the samples the client provided.

4. Client and designer meet a 3rd time and designer produces the new samples. The client looks at them and says, "hmmmmm". Client explains a second time how much they like their competitor's product design and suggests making it look "more like that". Designer explains that it's illegal to blatantly steal someone's product design. Client acts like he/ she didn't think of that and asks for more samples.

5. Designer generates more samples and shows them to the client. The client pushes them aside and offers another competitor's product that they want to look "Just like that.". Designer needs to pay the cable bill so he / she copies the product design exactly, requests payment and severs all ties with the client to avoid getting involved in the inevitable lawsuit.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Underwear Emo

Fruit of the Loom has a pretty funny ad campaign going right now. Click the link and go to "music videos" and "blue". I've had this song stuck in my head all day. I am such a consumer it makes me sick. link

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Autobots, Roll Out!

Sweeet- Michael Bay is directing a Transformers movie due to come out next July. I contemplated posting this but you guys know what a geek I am already, so f@#k it. Took me like 10 minutes to wipe the big stupid smile off my face after I watched the new trailer. Check it.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Condiment Addiction

I love condiments. When I go to a baseball game, I hit every pump in the concession stand. I usually have to fish the hotdog out of what could only be described as condiment soup. My mother used to yell at me for putting ketchup on steaks. In college, I developed a special re-wrapping system for burritos so the salsa wouldn't pour out the bottom while I was eating it. I was the first to put ranch on my pizza; securing my status as not only an enthusiast, but a pioneer. As such, I would like to tip the hat to my newest condiment addiction.

I'm talking about Garlic Salt.

Love garlic. Love salt. Not since peanut butter and jelly have two things fused together so well to create a simple, yet extraordinary taste powerhouse. I put garlic salt on eeeeverything. I would eat it by the handful if I wasn't afraid of dehydration or heart attacks. I experimented with garlic powder for a while to cut down on the sodium, but it was a disaster. As it turns out, it's possible to put too much garlic on something and the makers of garlic salt know this. They put just enough salt in it so you know when to stop. Brilliant.

In conclusion, i'd like to thank everyone who brings us the delicious garlic salt and i'll leave you with a free slogan as a token of my appreciation.

Garlic salt. Put it on everything.®

update: Got a few inquiries about the aforementioned re-wrapping system. In the interest of education, I've posted an illustrated diagram here.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Band of Horses

Band of Horses from Sub Pop. It's good. Download it. link