Monday, September 29, 2008

Leaked Trailer

My buddy's friend is a junior editor at Dreamworks and he managed to get this out of the editing bay- it's a raw trailer for Transformers 2. Pretty amazing. I'm sure when this thing goes viral, someone's getting shit-canned. link

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today in Moronic Narcissism

This ever happen to anyone else? You're listening to a local radio station and the DJ takes a call from someone with the same first name as you. Right before the person starts talking, for a split second you think, “I wonder if it's me?”, even though you're not holding a phone and you've never called a radio station in your life.

No? Just me? Perhaps i've said too much.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Acapella Rage

I'm not really much of a political guy, but this was pretty moving. Rage Against the Machine showed up unannounced to an anti-RNC (Republican National Committee) event on Minnesota State Capitol lawn earlier this week, took the stage and gave the crowd a free show. From what I can gather, the cops yanked the power for fear of a riot halfway into their set. This was their reaction: