Last Sunday we hopped on the beach cruisers and took the bay down to PB Ale House to watch the Chargers narrowly defeat the Giants. We ride along at a pretty good click when the path opens up and have to keep our heads on a swivel in case mindless tourons wobble out in front of us. As per usual, one did and I called out the customary "Heads Up!". It was a kid on a mountain bike who's father had pushed him into the path traffic without looking either way. My warning was firm but not impolite. The father immediately pulled the kid to the side an yelled, "Watch out for the Raider fan, Joey!" This would have been fine if I was wearing black warpaint and shoulderpads with foam spikes, but we were both decked from head to toe in Charger Blue and Gold.
Here's where Stupid or Douchbag comes into play.
1. Stupid: Really? You take the time to note that you recognize me as a football fan but you don't know the teams so you yell the first one that comes into your peanut-shaped head.
2. Douchbag: You do know the teams and are acutely aware of the stereotype that Raider fans are all assholes, so you take a shot at me for correcting your horrible job as a parent by clearing your snotnose kid off the busy path so he doesn't get T-boned by some chick on rollerblades who's going for the world landspeed record while playing Mafia Wars on her Blackberry.
Stupid Douchebag. I feel better. Labels: mission bay san diego chargers oakland raiders tourons
do you? fell better. honey, sooo angry!
the wifey, at 5:43 PM
Such a Raiders fan...with your complaining and whatnot
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM
Next time, run them both over, the world will be better off!
Kurtis, at 10:06 PM
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