Updated Facebook Update Rules:
1. No spamming your website. Blog linking is fine in moderation, but I don't want to join your pyramid scheme, and yes, as much as you think it's a "Once in a lifetime opportunity!", it's a pyramid scheme, stupid.
2. No more than one Mafia Wars update a day. Seriously, get back to work.
3. No religious or political bullshit. At this age everyone has their opinions and you throwing yours in people's faces isn't going to change anything. Even if you were able to swing someone into your way of thinking because of some stupid facebook update, you're recruiting soft-headed morons which isn't helping your cause.
4. Any food-related update that required a plastic spoon to eat is grounds for deletion.
5. No celebration without explanation. When you update, "I finally got it, wahoo!!!", it may elicit 25 of your friends to inquire what you got, but it makes me hope it gets run over by a school bus.
6. No asking fact-based questions that can be found on Google. If you're on Facebook, you've found the internet. Use it.
7. Don't need the gym schedule. We get it, you're a gym member. Go pump yourself.
That's probably enough alienating for one day. If you have anything to add, please do. Once again, if you're guilty of any of the above, i'm not talking about you. I'm talking about everyone else.
Labels: facebook update rules
What is the population of Detroit? My google is broken.
Mel Kosach, at 2:35 PM
No taking a poll just so you can show how much you hate our current president/health care system/whatever it is your railing against. I know you're from a red state and probably didn't vote for Obama, but he's not going to kill your grandparents.
Kurtis, at 3:03 PM
You should get that looked at.
The healthcare thing is a nightmare but I am enjoying the Townhall Riots. I don't know what it is about unruly old people that makes me laugh.
El Tiburon, at 3:28 PM
Please add baby talk and pictures of your kids daily..
"Kyle has a oopy doopy poopy diaper!"
Unknown, at 4:21 PM
You know- I put that in the last one and got some pretty nasty feedback. Being annoyed by someone's snot-nosed kid is going too far. Apparently the oopy poopy diaper is adorable and i'm just a dick.
But you're right, it should have made the list.
El Tiburon, at 4:39 PM
wow. you hit that right on the nose. mine is...(i may be guilty of doing this, but i still hate it) should i or should i not updates..."should i cut my hair?" or "should i eat chipotle?".. when we are facebooking, it is for mindless entertainment, not to aid in decicion makings. come on! i have a hard enough time trying to make my own!
there's my two cents honey ;0)
the wifey, at 6:03 PM
As a spin on the "baby talk"...I don't give a shit about how cold it was at your kids soccer game...or how many games you sat through....or "Go 'Tigers', 'My Little Ponies' or whatever other stupid team name you're passionate about...guess I'm a dick too ;)
Linda, at 8:35 PM
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