A List of Things I Would Rather be Doing Other Than Watching World Cup Soccer
- Debating Healthcare Reform with a potted ficus
- Memorizing Joran Van Der Sloot's wikipedia page
- Staring at the sun
- Inventing new mediums for the cranberry
- Watching any other sport that happened to be on tv (including womans basketball just to prove a point)
- Searching, viewing and commenting on all the youtube results for "groin" and "trauma"
- Cleaning dead moths out of the porch light
- Baking fruitcake
- Baking fruitcake with some of the dead moths in it and bringing to work
- Figuring out if my phone number spells anything dirty
- Packing and unpacking for a vacation I don't have
- Teaching my dog to pee in the same spots on the lawn until the dead grass reads "Help My Owner Beats Me"
- Learning Perl
- Making lists of things I would rather be doing other than watching World Cup Soccer

Labels: world cup fifa soccer 2010
I hope you didn't call me a potted ficus
Adam Baruh, at 2:25 PM
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