Monday, May 24, 2010

Got Sand?

When I first saw the Got Milk campaign I was impressed. As a student of marketing, a novice advertising analyst and general consumer, I recognized it as a very clever idea. It was funny and did a brilliant job of product promotion. A quick Google search explains that the campaign was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners in 1993 and if given the opportunity I would love to buy them all a big 'ole glass of soy milk as i'm sure they're all ironically lactose intolerant.

As with all things creative and in the public spotlight, it was almost immediately bastardized by every moron on the planet in an attempt to piggyback the idea. Got Lamps? Got Office Supplies?, Got Medical Waste?, Where's the Beef?... you get the point. We've endured 17 years of this stupid and uncreative bullshit. How is it I am still sitting in traffic, stuck behind an unnecessarily modified off-road vehicle with a "Got Sand?" sticker plastered across the back window?? That sticker didn't make sense in 1993... how are they still getting produced, purchased and applied?? Got Sand?? Yes- I got sand. What do you want to do with it? Drive around in it? How much sand do you require me to possess? Where would you like my sand delivered? Hey- know what's the most abundant substance on this planet? FUCKING SAND!!! Having sand is not a problem for anyone else in the world.. I would argue that "Good Christ, I Wish There Wasn't So Much Goddamn Sand Here" would be a much more popular sticker if properly marketed on a global scale.

Got Sand. Got a Less Original Idea for a Sticker? I don't know who I blame more- the people who think it's a good idea to produce these stupid stickers or the people that actually buy them. The next time you see one- notice that's it's off center because Pabst Blue Ribbon mixed with a little inbreeding causes balance and alignment problems.



  • got angry blog posts?

    i'm with you on this.

    By Blogger Charles, at 12:54 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger El Tiburon, at 1:55 PM  

  • Yeah- this blog is my purge valve. If I didn't write angry and clearly displaced vitriolic rants about seemingly meaningless everyday things that most people choose to ignore, I would probably end up on the news as the nut job who went Elin Woods on the back window of a jeep in traffic with a 3 iron for no discernible reason.

    By Blogger El Tiburon, at 1:57 PM  

  • word... that's pretty much why I started doing the whole blogging thing as well.

    By Blogger Charles, at 2:57 PM  

  • boooo- PBR rules. But yeach those stickers are lame sauce.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:32 PM  

  • Maybe I should start a blog to rant on, instead of just screaming at the mirror or quietly blowing steam out of my ears.

    By Anonymous herbal pills, at 6:52 AM  

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