I was thinking about maps today. Remember maps? See kids, back in the day if you were given a driving destination in an unfamiliar city, you had to find a gas station, get out of your car and buy a map. Then you had to unfold this massive and needlessly complicated bastard (never to get it folded right again) and trace the path with your finger. This was often done while screaming down an unfamiliar highway and trying to find the local FM rock station. If you were lucky enough to find the street you needed, the chances that you would also locate the address was slim to none. At this point, you had to (are you sitting down?) find some change, get out of the car, find a payphone and call for directions. It was the Wild West, man.
Now-a-days if i'm forced to locate a pen because the computer i'm on doesn't have a printer to print out the mapquest directions and I have to physically write them down,I throw my hands up in outrage, fall to my knees and scream for my civil liberties.
Bravo, I likey this one! You forgot the part about the creases always being right on top of the most critical part of the navigation, rubbing away the street name you needed the most.
Bravo, I likey this one! You forgot the part about the creases always being right on top of the most critical part of the navigation, rubbing away the street name you needed the most.
Unknown, at 10:12 PM
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