Zoinks indeed...

Do you think Shaggy painted the Mystery Machine himself? I mean, it's a custom job and a decent one at that. If he had the skills and training to pull that off, he would be doing it for a living, which he didn't. It was probably a job he had commissioned, which would be costly for a guy with no job and no discernable income. Driving a pimped out van and buying enough weed to rip tubes until eating dog food sounded like a good idea means he was independently wealthy. There was never any indication that he developed software or produced hit records, so one would have to conclude that he was a blue blood mooch who chose to dress like a dirtbag which is even worse than being dirtbag. At least Fred wore a scarf. I appreciate that kind of honesty.
All I can say is that I understand where Shaggy was coming from. I might have been the only rolex-wearing hippie ever....Adam
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
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