What's annoying me today:
That should be the title of this blog, but let me get to the venting: People that use the word "Guru". "My SEO Guru says, blah blah blah..." What exactly makes someone a "guru" of anything? Am I a Top Ramen Preparation Guru? Are US auto makers Horrible Idea Gurus? (like that? Topical and timely. Look out Daily Show). How good at something do you have to be to be a "guru"? If Mike Myers is any indicator, he's the guru of making unfunny movies. I think the term is used to humble the user and make the target appear vastly superior, thereby inferring that because the user doesn't understand the topic, the rest of us mouth breathers should hang on their every word.
"My SEO Guru..."
Shut up.
On a lighter note, next month marks 4 years of narcissistic word vomiting here on Blogger (this post being a prime example). To mark the occasion, I added some AdSense code. It wont hurt anyone and I can save money for the worm store. Click on the ads. Do it. Click on them. *click click*
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