A Letter to the Lady that Works at the Del Mar Von's Deli

You may have noticed I haven't been around in a while. Well, my company moved and I can no longer walk there on my lunch. On the last day at our old location, I came to your deli counter as usual and I really wanted to tell you goodbye, but I couldn't find the words. As you yelled at your friends over my head and slapped together a sandwich that I didn't order, you never broke the steady glare of contempt that you have for me and I took that for granted. It was a special kind of hate, and I don't think I appreciated you for it. Your customer service standards dropped the bar so low, I just hoped that spit was the only unwanted fluid added to my food. I always ate (at least part of ) whatever you made for me. Mostly out of sheer hunger, but also for fear of you leaping over the deli counter like a whirlwind of fingernails and assaulting me should i dare mention that you achieved your goal of completely screwing up my order on every level possible. Not since my mother hit me with a frying pan have I been more afraid of a woman that handles my food. I'm sure I will experience deli employees in the future that can really fuck up an order and make it my fault, but you will always be the best. I commend you, Mean Vons Deli Counter Lady. Lunch will never taste the same without your special kind of apathy, resentment and bitterness that made my lunch breaks terrifying.
that is the saddest looking sammich i have EVER seen =(
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM
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