Rubber Thor

So- I was paddling through the nerdy waters of the interweb ocean today, hoping to find set pics from the new Thor movie that is in post-production. Not much luck, but I found this conceptual art at Collider. No clue if it's legit. As usual and against my will, I started reading the comments. I don't know why I do this- it's all nerd-rage and displaced hostility fueled by Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos, but I can't help it. This was a comment that gave me the lols (yes, I did that on purpose). It's a response to someone who said his armor looks "rubbery".
I honestly can't understand how some people will totally buy the concept of an alien god coming to earth and teaming up with a man in a robot suit and a WW2 vet who has been frozen in ice for 60 years to fight a monster made of Edward Norton and radiation, but who just draws the line at "rubbery" armor?
Update 12/13: they just released the official movie poster for anyone who gives a squirt of piss which i'm betting is only Chris Hemsworth's mother and me.

Apparently the nerd rager doesn't see the metal plates that are underneath the rubber make up of the breastplate.
Anonymous, at 5:57 PM
Thor: I'm THOR!
Interviewer: You're Thor?
Thor: Well, it hurth....
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
^ ha! ^
Thats funny.
El Tiburon, at 12:24 PM
That looks kinda badass. I wonder what they're gonna do with Captain America.
Chris H., at 4:22 PM
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