Smoke on the Water

Yes, I'm fine. The fires are everywhere but where I live thanks to an inflated rent that keeps me by the water. My work was evacuated for a couple of days, but thankfully, i'm back at my desk.
The air quality is awesome. San Diego is basically a giant outdoor smoking patio which is ironic because people are actually still smoking. Not ironic in the literal sense, ironic in the Alanis Morissette sense which is not really ironic at all.
They are estimating the damages at about a billion right now and yesterday the president declared San Diego a Federal State of Emergency. Fortunately the winds have died down and the firefighters are finally making some headway.
Yesterday, as I lay on the couch in my underwear eating lunchmeat with my hands and watching the fire coverage, I almost witnessed a Most Shocking Videos moment. It was a camera man standing in front of a burning house on a hill. He was filming the house burn when the car in the driveway's gas tank finally ruptured and the camera followed as flaming gasoline went racing down the gutter towards the news van parked down the street. There was a little Benny Hill sequence as the cameraman panicked and silently tried to signal the reporter who had his back to the camera as he ran towards the van. Sadly, they got to the van in time and it did not explode... much to my wide-eyed and now standing disappointment.
That is about as exciting as it's gotten for me. I don't think i'll be running into burning structures and saving animals or babies, but if I do, i'll definitely blog about it.
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