What's the deal with people driving like assholes with Jesus fishes on their cars? The ironic part of being cut off by someone that has this fish on the back of their car is you generally shout the word, "Jesus!" just as you notice the decal. Maybe this is a new tactic the church is using to get people's attention, but how do you think the Lord's Son feels about being represented by some jackoff in a minivan who's talking on the phone, flicking Pall Malls out the window and driving like a complete dick? Do the Judeo-Christian code of ethics only apply in the church parking lot? I don't know, i'm just asking. Maybe i'm supposed to be giving these people a break, i mean, they did purchase and adhere a gray plastic fish to their car. That must mean they can drive however they want. I can understand people with Darwin fishes driving like douchebags because let's face it, they're already going to hell for making fun of the Jesus fish.
If my calculations are correct and the Jesus fish is a license to promote the Lord with impunity, i'm slapping one on my forehead every time a baby starts crying in the movies or some asswipe is standing in line screaming into their phone and punching them until I feel they believe in God. I would use the Jesus fish for good, not evil.
You can call me The Jesus of Justice.
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